car prank damage 2017
Make Damages on car bikes etc of your friends using this app and share them....
Prank your friends & family using this application
All you have to do is take a picture of your friend's car and modify it with the application sent to him and see his reaction
How to use the app:
draw circul to chose damage area
Prank your friend That his car with boot
Your friend's joke that the glass of his car has broken
Prank your friend that his car has been burned
Your friend joke that his car has crashed
The picture Save or share (via facebook,whatsapp,etc..) Have fun!
the best prank applications that were ever made. It’s perfect for bamboozling your parents by making them believe that something happened to their car. You can choose to let them thinking that their car was scratched or totally damaged, depending on how much you think that they can take.
car prank damage This app is really fun